Inception of Bodily Resurrection

This all started on a hot day in Cuba, when a young woman who felt insecure in my presence began to make fun of my cellulite. "What if," I thought, "we find ways to use the unique 'flaws' on our bodies to celebrate the beauty within us?" and Scrumptious DisRuPtiOnS was born.

Each piece of clothing is artfully adorned with real life images of parts of nature that society has taught us to judge or conceal.  From the fleshy smile of love handles arranged like a checkerboard across a scarf, to the scaffolding on a corner in Brooklyn converted into a crown, Scrumptious DisRuPtiOns is here to support the glow waiting inside of you by celebrating the beauty of all of your pieces which the fashion industry has tried to alienate you from.

This is clothing for all genders, all racial and cultural backgrounds, and all ages.  You are never too old to blossom, and never too "different" to be admired.  Let's collectively uplift our concept of beauty and call it back to who we are, in the here and now.

Here, the clothing is presented in as non binary a manner as possible. There are rare instances where an item will include the words "women's sizes" or "men's sizes" in quotations, just as a temporary method of describing the fit of the clothing using a system of relativity that society has accustomed us to. I hope to remove these titles soon as we begin to be weaned off of these sizing methods.

Redefine your Stride



Clothing for the torso 

For the Water

For the Water

Libations for the body you live in, these swimsuits are each designed...